Ambient Style Door Handle Covers

Category: MINI Accessories
Posted: 12-26-2017 04:54 PM
Views: 3800

for F54, F55, and F60

OutMotoring offers ambient door handle covers for the F54 Clubman, F55 Four Door, and F60 Countryman in Union Jack, Black Jack, and Checkered Flag.How fun are these door handle covers?!

The labor involved in replacing door handles is pretty insane. While complete replacement door handles in various designs are available, there's something nice about buying a product and installing it yourself in seconds. This is why these Checkered Flag door handle covers are soooo cool. They simply stick on over the existing door handles and are backed with two strips of high-bond double-stick tape so they stay in place.

The best way to install them is to first clean any residue or waxes, etc from the handles and then snap on the covers leaving the little covered tags that hold the tape backing on (shown in the pic). Once you're happy with the fit, you can put pressure on the handle cover to keep them in place while pulling the tape backing off one at a time (there is one along the top edge and one along the bottom). Sold as a set of 4.

P.S. - Gloss Black door handle covers for these models are also available in Standard, Ambient, and Comfort Access.

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