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We realize that in today's world it is hard to trust people, especially those on the Internet; hiding behind HTML and JPGS. You don't know who you're buying from, what business ethics they practice (or don't), or their level of honesty. This is a major hurdle for Internet business. Whenever money, sensitive personal information, credit card numbers and the like is concerned you should only trust in those that you feel have a honest reputation and a loyal, repeat customer clientele.

We sell to MINI Cooper enthusiasts the world over and have shipped tens of thousands of products to customers to every state in the US as well as numerous countries around the world. While we don't actively seek customer feedback, we do get it. So here it is, the good, the bad and of course the few ugly. This is the kind of business we run. If you want to add to our list, feel free, we'll post it, just email us. Just keep the cuss words out if you can :)
Click here for a collection of comments gathered since February of 2003 to June of 2009.

As of July 2009 we have started using RatePoint to gather customer feedback. Check it out below.