MINI Cooper Acccessories + MINI Cooper Parts
F56: 14-24 Hatchback
Replacement Parts
engine cooling
hoses + clamps
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Customers' comments
I got the lights. Thank you so much. You guys have restored the faith inhumanity to me by sending me the lights because it was so many months
after and it could have been argued that I should have checked the box
sooner and not after 7 months. I am really floored by your customer
service! You guys are awesome!
Thank you !!! :-)
-Partha Partha
test Paul
I am so grateful to these folks! This non-mechanic was able to fix a problem that would have cost a couple of k's to fix at a dealership or mechanic. Aaron and Anthony were able to communicate with me to troubleshoot the issues and parts with me based off of my troubleshooting and error codes I received from my Schwaben (which Aaron referred me to a few years ago). They got the parts to me in a speed I was able to fix my problems before a scheduled shop visit that is always 2-3 weeks out. Now all I need is an oil and break fluid change I don't want to do and a slow leaking valve gasket I need to decide if I want to attempt. I found helpful videos that I'm almost thinking yes. Thanks guys! Anna M.
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