NEW Out Motoring World HQ

Category: OutMotoring News
Posted: 06-19-2013 09:08 PM
Views: 307134
Synopsis: In May 2013 OutMotoring moved to a MUCH larger, nicer, cooler, better and BIGGER location!
We are happy to announce that OutMotoring has grown faster than ever imagined. When OutMotoring moved to Knoxville in 2011 we settled in a location that we estimated could handle 3 years of growth...boy was I wrong. We outgrew it in just under a year. After hiring 2 employees and adding hundreds of new items as well as stocking more volume we simply outgrew the old spot. We worked with the owner of the business complex we were in and found that NOTHING was big enough for us EXCEPT a vacant and neglected massive space that was once a child care facility. It was a MESS. After being empty for 3 years it has become a dumping ground for misc stuff and was dark and dank. It was broken up into 4 massive rooms and had murals in each room- which were 'color-me-crazy' colors. After a little design work I supplied them with a floorplan which required knocking down nearly all of the interior walls, stripping the floor down to concrete, replacing the kitchen, bathrooms, windows and all other fixtures. A hole had to be cut into the side to allow for shipping and receiving along with a side access driveway and a large glass commercial garage door was put out front so a MINI could be pulled into the anyway, the transformation took nearly 4 months and we moved in just 2 weeks before MINI's on the Dragon 2012. The new place is GREAT. Aaron has a new office, the showroom is ultra cool and the additional office space, warehouse space, dedicated areas for photography, vinyl cutting, tshirt printing, assembly as well as warehouse, shipping and other areas have been awesome.

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